Wednesday, July 29, 2009

WorldCat Widget Test

For Thing #26 in NebraskaLearns2.0, I am exploring WorldCat's social side. I'm posting these in the body of my blog because I thought the widgets were too wide for my sidebar. A how-to follows.

Here's the WorldCat widget for my "I <3 Dystopia - Non-Juvenile" list.

The How-To, as promised:

  • Log into WorldCat
  • Scroll to "Use WorldCat tools"
  • Select "Widgets and Plug-ins."
  • Choose "WorldCat list widget"
  • Highlight HTML & copy onto webpage
  • Change "**listId**" to the number from your created list
  • Pat self on back

  • NOTE: Blogger would not let me post two widgets in the same post.
    ANOTHER NOTE: Blogger doesn't want to display two of these widgets on the same page.


    1. Fixed it. Would have left it the wrong way to show the process, but the code made a message pop up for users. Highly annoying so had to fix.

    2. And... it's broken. Please don't be visiting me right now. Eep.

    3. If all 37 versions of this post hit your RSS reader, I apologize. I was having unfun with technology.

    4. I only got one version in my Google Reader, so never fear!

      I had the same experience with trying to post the list widget to my sidebar - it was too wide for the blogger template I was using. I'm sure there is a way to tweek this, but I wasn't up to figuring it out at the time!

      I'm really interested in knowing what you think of the list widget. I actually didn't care for it too much, which is why I didn't mention it at the Roadshow. [Had to leave something out :)]

      I didn't like how it only showed a couple of titles at a time and you had to scroll horizontally through titles. I understand that this keeps the list from being too long, but it still bugged me. I was afraid site visitors might not figure out how to see the rest of the titles. Not sure if others react the same way, or if it's just me :(

    5. I'm not a fan of this widget, Susan. I don't know anywhere else I'd post it. The information portion of the widget should be bigger than the graphic portion and I'd prefer vertical scrolling. The lack of cover images is a drawback as well. It is more an advertisement for WorldCat than a useful way to share titles.

      But, I do appreciate the attempt. Compared to the other social networking sites for readers I've used, the WorldCat interface is prettier than LibraryThing and feels more reliable/professional than Goodreads. I do wish they'd steer clear of Amazon reviews, though. They aren't credible enough for WorldCat.
